Baraw ILizarov Centre







                                                                                                                                                                     Best Orthopaedic Method




Fig. (1)

 Twenty eight years old man, with chronic Osteomyelitis

of left tibia for the last 20 years as a complication

of fracture and tight bandaging causing 11 Cm gap



Fig. (2)

Same patient in supine position, shortening and bowing of left leg



Fig. (3)

Same patient with protruded head fibula and scar tissue

 on the shin ,the site of repetitive sequestrectomies



Fig. (4)

 Same patient in prone position



Fig. (5)

 Plain radiograph ,A.P. & Lat. views , multiple sequestrae

gap in the tibia & ankylosed ankle



Fig. (6)

 Same patient with Ilizarov frame , 4 in 1 . The middle block for

 compression of Fibula-Pro-Tibia, while proximal and

distal blocks for correction of tibial bowing and elongation



Fig. (7)

 Same patient after removal of the middle block of the ILizarov

frame no more bowing of the leg and well equalized limb



Fig. (8A)

Fig.8A Plain radiograph A.P. view ,well corticalised

distraction sites hypertrophied distal fragment of fibula



Fig. (8B)

Fig.8B Plain radiograph Lat. view ,well corticalised distraction

 sites, hypertrophied distal fragment of fibula



Fig. (9A)

Fig.9A The same patient after removal of the Ilizarov frame



Fig. (9B)

Fig.9B The same patient after removal of the Ilizarov frame,using KAFO



Fig. (10A)

Fig.10A Plain radiograph A.P. View , union between hypertrophied

 distal fragment of fibula with proximal fragment of the tibia & fibula



Fig. (10B)

Fig.10B Plain radiograph Lat. View , union between hypertrophied

 distal fragment of fibula with proximal fragment of the tibia & fibula




Fig. (11A)


Fig. (11B)


Fig. (11C)







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